I am vitally concerned with issues that reach across all boundaries and will address each one individually while in office. Contact me directly by email at
sfk422@gmail.com I will answer each question personally and you will always get an answer.
District 5 IssuesFree Tram for Roosevelt Island
Satellite classrooms to compensate for overcrowded schools
Restart the incinerators to get rid of the garbage
STOP the Second Ave. subway taxpayer fiasco and install Light Rail alternative
Increase NYPD foot patrol as a deterrent to crime before it happens
Enforce Noise pollution laws with steeper fines
Change Alternate side parking to once a week and coordinate garbage collection
Maintain York Avenue as a two-way thoroughfare
Stop the re-zoning of Ruppert Park.
Change bus stops to the correct sides of intersections to expedite traffic flow
Fund the Police Athletic League
Complete the FDR bicycle path from 54th to 34th Streets
Diminish out-of-control vermin infestation
City IssuesNO New Taxes
Paid sick leave for all employees
Municipal and State government reform
Free obesity clinics
Videotaping of all police interrogations
Free senior safety awareness and self-defense training
Inclusionary re-zoning for moderate housing
Gun Control
Veteran’s Affairs
National IssuesPro-Life/Pro-Family and No Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Constitutional Interdependence
Increased Veteran’s benefits
Cessation of stimulus bailouts to corporations
Lower taxes
Renewed broad based educational programs
Development of alternate energy sources
International Issues
HIV/AIDS research and dissemination
Stop the war in Afghanistan and ALL troops out of Iraq
Halt Iran’s nuclear policy
Maintain strong ties with Israel as an ally and friend